Devlog 2

- Success: Our ninja game is overall solid and works as intended with no bugs that we have identified. In addition, Player Character has animations for all actions, even if it is in pixel form. Everything in the game has a purpose and is used in its current build to allow the player to complete it.

- Challenges: There were a lot of merge conflicts that had to be addressed throughout the build process, whether this was from a slight change to the scene or prefab, these conflicts took time and effort to solve. Creating a cohesive story that follows a certain style and path was challenging to come up with in a short amount of time, so our story, except for a little bit of exposition at the beginning, is nonexistent. 

- Learned: Learned how challenging it is to make art assets, a lot of time is required, even for the none animated backgrounds. We learned to work in a bigger team and find times we can all meet and talk to get the project done. Learned to maneuver GitHub issues. 

- Revision:  If there were more time to work on the game, it would have been awesome to add more art assets for some of the UI and more animation detail to the backdrops. Adding a more fleshed-out story for players to enjoy! And making the animations much crisper. 

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